


Contact Information

Postal address
P.O. Box 221131
Louisville, KY 40252
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Copyright © 2006 THC Solutions, LLC

Small Business Solutions and Support

Information System Security

Web Developmement

Intenet Domain Names and Website Hosting

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

Network Infrastructure

Systems Support

Information Technology Project Management

Bringing I.T. to Your Business

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Your company needs to safeguard it's information systems, and the data that they hold. Making sure that they will be fully recoverable in times of emergency is of unquestionable importance to your company. Regularly scheduled backups, sytem redundancy, and planning are all essential to make sure that your company is still in business after a disaster. While planning for these occurances can seem self-evident, the time and resources often are not available to spend. The demands of the modern business world force these topics into the background for your business. This is where THC Solutions, LLC can step in and help. THC Solutions, LLC can represent those resources that you are unable to allocate to these crutial business tasks. In addition to preparing you for the unthinkable, THC Solutions, LLC will be there once the unthinkable has happened. While there are many different scales of disaster, THC Solutions, LLC knows that even the smallest incident can have a serious impact on your business.